Friday, March 11

My Review - The King's Speech

A film that has to be seen from start to finish in one go. An underdog story in a way. Yeah, I know. Hollywood obsession!!! But the underdog here is a King, George VI, played brilliantly by Colin Firth, with all the right qualities except that he stammers and a King can't do that. Not certainly in an age where 'Kings have to invade the homes of their countrymen' via the radio and 'not just look respectable in a uniform and not fall of a horse'. And this is just the early 1900s, mind you :-P. 

Enter Lionel Logue(Geoffrey Rush), an Australian speech therapist, with methods that are unorthodox and controversial. There are twists and turns subsequently and a final speech which King George VI has to deliver to the nation, needless to say, with Lionel's help.

Your heart goes out to the King as he stumbles, stutters and stammers throughout the film, feeling helpless and humiliated, to his wife who patiently supports him come what may and to his countrymen who are looking for hope and direction. Our very own Bhansali could take some pointers as to how to portray suffering in a dignified manner.

You can see why The King's Speech swept the Oscars. What worked for me was a great cast, fine performances, great setting, some brilliant camerawork and finally the uber snobbish British Accent. Colin Firth is brilliant(Did I say that already?) and Geoffrey Rush is a revelation as the speech therapist. I don't recall having seen any of his films(not a fan of the Pirates Series) but he is simply wonderful in this film as Lionel Logue. I thought he was better than Firth. The conversations between George II and Lionel are the highlight of the film. Helena Bonham Carter also chips in with a fine performance.

Highly recommended! 


Ram said...

Geoffrey Rush was spellbinding. You should see Munich. He plays the case officer of Eric Bana's team. His character name is Ephraim.

Also, I absolutely agree that Colin Firth was mind blowing. His restraint and the anger was supremely conveyed. Also, I loved the beauty of linguistics and English and the spoken English. Stupendous!

As for Bhansali, well, let's not talk about him. A gloriously well (and sometimes deliberately!) overlit sets - do they even convey the trapped and helpless mood of the character and his suffering?

Anshul said...

I have seen Munich. Was not able to recollect. Your comments are better than my review...hehehe LOL!

Ram said...

i won't say that! i would just say I could relate to the movie because I have gone through a training for phonetics and syllable stress in spoken English.

Hence, I found the language and the attention to detail in The King's Speech was stupendous.

Anyone who loves spoken English and enjoys linguistics will love this movie.